As many Rio Tinto employees are aware, we have stood outside Central Park on two occasions so far. The first we stood alone with our two little girls so had to keep things short for their sake. The police were called on our family for trespassing but as we were clearly not, the four officers attending wished us luck and were very polite.
The second we returned with several others and were then told we needed a Permit to Protest and had to leave again.
We are ready to return, this time with the permits for several days and nothing that will cause us to leave- unless of course the Rio Tinto employees involved decide to finally step out from behind the corporate logo and have a conversation! We thought we would leave the dates we will be coming down out-who doesn't love a good surprise on their way to work! - but we are looking forward to standing out there very soon. (Don't worry our 3 year old won't sit on your precious steps again!)
If you are someone or know someone willing to stand beside us in peaceful protest and support our family, get in contact with us via the contact page on this website, your support is always appreciated. The more the merrier although as always we will continue to show up no matter how many stand alongside us.